Poveznica kopirana u međuspremnik

The Luxury Network Adria Insight Series


*Za plaćanje transakcijskim računom, pošaljite podatke na: info@theluxurynetworkadria.com


Jedna pozornica. Vi u gledalištu.



Puno mudrosti, motivacije i inspiracije. Bit će tu i smijeha i puno „aha“ momenata. Očekuje Vas prava riznica znanja. Iskoristite priliku da je otvorite i primite sve njene blagodati.


4 svjetski poznata stručnjaka iz različitih industrija luksuza. Jedan po jedan na pozornici:

  • Tom Meggle – Umjetnost luksuznog brendiranja.

Tom će nam pričati o strategijama najvećih iz svijeta luksuza za koje je godinama radio. To su Cartier i Louis Vuitton. Sada radi kao konzultant velikih svjetskih luksuznih kompanija i pružatelja premium usluga. Kako pratiti sve tržišne promjene i biti luksuzan u svom poslovanju? Spremni?


  • Sascha Lilic – Izvan modne piste: prevođenje tajni modnog svijeta u uspjeh u bilo kojem luksuznom poslovanju.

Sascha je kroz svoju karijeru kreativnog direktora radio sa najvećim modnim dizajnerima, modelima i časopisima poput Vogue-a, Harper’s Bazaara, Vanity Fair-a, Grazie itd. Dobit ćemo savjete kako probiti zvučni zid svojom autentičnosti u bilo kojoj industriji luksuza. Kako se pokazati u današnjem vizualno orijentiranom svijetu? Zanimljivo, zar ne?


  • Amal Ameen – Dizajniranje luksuznih iskustava: stvaranje zadivljujućih okruženja u luksuznim modnim salonima, hotelima, jahtama i ugostiteljskim objektima.

Amal je do sada planirala i dizajnirala preko 150 luksuznih projekata. Ova serijska poduzetnica nije stala na tome. Dovodi visoku modu i nakit u Katar kroz svoje modne salone, ima svoju parfemsku liniju, beauty salone, F&B projekte od kojih je najnoviji VOGUE café Doha. Dovoljno inspirativno?


  • Fares Ghattas – Umjetnost prodaje luksuza: otkrivanje tajni prodaje luksuznih proizvoda i iskustava.

Fares je osnivač i globalni CEO The Luxury Network grupe koja je danas prisutna u 40 zemalja svijeta. Sa kojim je globalnim luksuznim brendovima radio i što to znači prodavati luksuz u današnje vrijeme?


Pridružuju im se regionalni stručnjaci u interaktivnim panel razgovorima.

Neke od tema su: oblikovanje luksuza, perspektive iz mode, ljepote i luksuznog poslovanja. Što traži današnji HNW i UHNW klijent: od izvrsnih iskustava do personalizacije.

Ulogu sada dobivate i Vi. Postavite ta pitanja koja već imate ili će se pojaviti nakon prvog čina. Sada je vrijeme da djelujete i dobijete odgovor.


Zahvale, pohvale, zagrljaji i naklon pred večernje druženje. Očekujemo ovacije!


Pitate se je li ovo događaj za Vas? Bez obzira na broj zvjezdica, kategoriju ili veličinu Vaše tvrtke, ovdje pripadaju svi koji žele biti korak ispred drugih:

-           Hotelijerstvo i ugostiteljstvo

-           Travel industrija

-           Concierge industrija

-           Automobilska industrija

-           Premium avio industrija

-           Event industrija

-           Beauty i parfemska industrija

-           Privatni klubovi

-           Yachting industrija

-           Privatno bankarstvo

-           Modna industrija

-           Golf industrija

-           Retail luksuznih proizvoda

-           Marketinške agencije

-           Ekskluzivan nakit i satovi

-           Lifesyle manageri

-           Premium nekretnine

-           Premium pića

-           Industrija luksuznog namještaja

-           Uređenje interijera

-           Business, modni i lifestyle časopisi


 Ovakav jedan dan ispunjen znanjem i inspiracijom, zamijenjuje na desetke napisanih stručnih teorijskih knjiga na ovu temu. Ovo su priče o konkretnim usponima i padovima, o naučenim lekcijama koje će nam biti servirane isključivo za naš napredak.

Spremni za najbolji show u gradu? Trkom po svoju ulaznicu. Ova predstava se ne propušta!

AGENDA: The Luxury Network Adria Insight Series daily program

Večernja zabava u 20 sati "Networking beyond borders" uključena u cijenu kotizacije. Detalji nisu javno dostupni. Mjesto održavanja će biti poslano svim sudionicima putem elektronske pošte.

Pratite naše Instagram stranice The Luxury Network Adria za više detalja.

Vidimo se u Beogradu!


Imagine this:

One stage. You in the audience.



A lot of wisdom, motivation, and inspiration. There will be laughter and many "aha" moments. Expect a treasure trove of knowledge. Seize the opportunity to open it and receive all its benefits.


4 globally renowned experts from various luxury industries. One by one on stage:

  • Tom Meggle – The art of luxury branding.

Tom will talk to us about the strategies of the biggest names in the world of luxury he has worked for over the years. These are Cartier and Louis Vuitton. He is now working as a consultant for major global luxury companies and premium service providers. How to keep up with all market changes and be luxurious in your business? Ready?

  • Sascha Lilic – Beyond the runway: translating fashion secrets into success in any luxury business.

Sascha, throughout his career as a creative director, has worked with the biggest fashion designers, models, and magazines such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Vanity Fair, Grazia, etc. We will receive advice on breaking through the sound barrier with our authenticity in any luxury industry. How to stand out in today's visually oriented world? Interesting, isn't it?

  • Amal Ameen – Designing luxury experiences: creating stunning environments in luxury fashion salons, hotels, yachts, and hospitality establishments.

Amal has planned and designed over 150 luxury projects to date. This serial entrepreneur hasn't stopped there. She brings high fashion and jewelry to Qatar through her fashion salons, has her own perfume line, beauty salons, F&B projects, the latest being VOGUE café Doha. Inspiring enough?

  • Fares Ghattas – The art of luxury selling: uncovering the secrets of selling luxury products and experiences.

Fares is the founder and global CEO of The Luxury Network group, present in 40 countries worldwide. With which global luxury brands he has worked with and what does it mean to sell luxury in today's world?


Our international experts will be joined by regional experts in interactive panel discussions.

Some of the topics include: shaping luxury, perspectives from the fashion industry, beauty, and luxury business activities. What today's HNW and UHNW clients are looking for: from excellent experiences to personalization.

Now it's your turn. Ask those questions you already have or will arise after the first act. It's time to take action and get answers.


Words of appreciation, praises, hugs, and a bow before the evening gathering. We expect ovations!

Wondering if this event is for you? Regardless of the number of stars, category, or size of your company, everyone who wants to be one step ahead belongs here:

  • Hospitality, food and beverage industry
  • Travel industry
  • Concierge industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Premium aviation industry
  • Event industry
  • Beauty and perfume industry
  • Private clubs
  • Yachting industry
  • Private banking
  • Fashion industry
  • Golf industry
  • Retail of luxury products
  • Marketing agencies
  • Exclusive jewelry and watches
  • Lifestyle managers
  • Premium real estate
  • Premium drinks
  • Luxury furniture industry
  • Interior design
  • Business, fashion, and lifestyle magazines

A day filled with knowledge and inspiration like this replaces dozens of written theoretical books on this topic. These are stories of actual successes and failures, of lessons learned that will be served to us exclusively for our progress.

Ready for the best show in town? Hurry up for your ticket. This show is not to be missed!

AGENDA: The Luxury Network Adria Insight Series daily program

"Networking beyond borders" party at 8 PM on the same day, included in the ticket price. Details will be sent to all attendees via e-mail.

Please follow our Instagram page The Luxury Network Adria for more details and up-to-date information about the event.

See you in Belgrade!

Thank you for contacting us. You will receive a reply in a timely matter.